

Accreditation of Quality Assurance / Quality Control Center conformity to LST EN ISO/IEC 17025 General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories has been delivered by the Lithuanian National Accreditation Bureau under the Ministry of Economy by issuing Accreditation Certificate to perform petroleum product tests and manual sampling.
The scope of Quality Assurance / Quality Control Center accreditation includes the following test items: gasoline, diesel fuel, jet fuel, kerosene, liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), heating fuel, heavy fuel oil.
The flexibility for applying new editions of normative documents describing test methods or applying identical replacement documents has been established for the entire scope of accreditation.
This flexible scope of accreditation allows Quality Assurance / Quality Control Center to carry out their own assessment of the importance of changes in the normative documents describing test methods, and the influence of these changes on test results, and make a final decision on application of such test methods in the activities of QA/QC Center as well as approve a new scope of accreditation.
​Scope of Accreditation
Akreditavimo pažymėjimas ir akreditavimo sritis EN.pdfDownload


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