pursuance of the objective to become a leading refinery of Central and Eastern
Europe, Public Company ORLEN Lietuva (hereinafter – the Company) manufactures
high-quality products and acts fairly and honestly, with its operations based
on the principles of advanced practices of corporate governance and social
responsibility, tolerating no form of corruption and enhancing preventive
mechanisms in the fight against corruption, taking care of its employees'
development, ensuring proper security of information and personal data,
focusing on environmental protection as well as occupational health and safety,
also assuring high quality of the performed by it petroleum products and
environmental analyses.
Company observes the values adopted for ORLEN Group: responsibility – business,
community, environment; development – innovations, competitiveness,
up-to-datedness; people – ethics, professional approach, cooperation; energy –
strength, courage, success; reliability – safety, quality, conformity
In all
levels of its operations, the Company commits to:
Efficiently meet the customer needs and expectations by continuous observation,
assessment, and forecasting of the tendencies on the market, delivering the
products and services in compliance with the applicable standards;
Ensure high quality of the products through ongoing improvement of
technologies, enhance economic efficiency of production processes, ensure the
growth of EBITDA and investments for development, optimization of general and
personnel costs, and cash flow increase;
3. Make
sure all the activities are duly structured, performed in an impartial manner,
and managed so to assure their impartiality;
Implement the procedures preventing engagement in activities likely to impair
trust in competence, impartiality, fairness and business integrity;
5. Make
sure all the performed laboratory tests are traceable with a chain of calibration
or reference materials, calibration records and test certificates are handled
according to the procedures for equipment calibration and record control;
Ensure compliance with all environmental, information security and personal
data protection, occupational safety and health requirements, legal and other
Monitor and reduce emissions, also strive for continuous decrease of their
adverse effects on human health;
Ensure safe and health-friendly working conditions by constantly assessing
occupational and process safety related risks, also eliminating or mitigating
the identified hazards and risks, investigating incidents, as well as
implementing measures meant to prevent such; motivate employees to work safely,
and promote their engagement in creating safe environment; ensure the required
level of preparedness for emergencies;
Consult employees on issues regarding occupational health and safety, and
engage them as well as those acting on behalf of the Company in the process;
Ensure high level of human health and environmental protection by preventing,
responding to and investigating major industrial accidents;
Ensure public accessibility to information on the Company’s environmental
impact, and impact on occupational safety and health;
Ensure adequate and efficient management of the information developed and
received by the Company, and proper level of information security with the aim
of preventing any interruptions in the Company's operations due to any confidential
information disclosure, release or use in a manner which is inconsistent with
the principles of its protection, including by persons not authorized to
process such information, or due to any loss of information integrity
(unauthorized modification or destruction), or due to inaccessibility of
information upon demand by reasons of its loss or failure (interruption) of the
relevant systems operation;
Improve skills and competences as well as environmental awareness of the
employees, encourage them to follow the customer-oriented business philosophy,
protect the environment and improve work quality and work conditions;
Constantly improve the Integrated Management System by making review of all
risks and opportunities, introducing and implementing measures to increase
efficiency as well as applying adequate corrective and preventive actions.
of the Company are subject to the integrated management system in compliance
with the requirements of international quality management (ISO 9001:2015),
environmental management (ISO 14001:2015), occupational health and safety
management (ISO 45001:2018), and information security management (ISO
27001:2013) standards, also the standard prescribing general requirements for
the competence of testing and calibration laboratories (ISO/IEC 17025:2018).
Management System of the Company is continuously monitored and improved in
cooperation with PKN ORLEN S.A. and ORLEN Capital Group companies, and is in
the public domain and fully accessible to all parties concerned. All employees
of the Company and those acting on its behalf are made aware of this Policy
contents and shall follow its provisions in their activities.
ISO 9001:2015
ISO 45001:2018
ISO 14001:2015
ISO/IEC 27001:2022