United Team of Junior Chemists of Lithuania is Accompanied by ORLEN Lietuva

19-03-2011  News

49th Chemistry Olympiad of Lithuanian secondary school students organized in Vilnius University, Chemical Faculty finishes on Saturday. This is the second Chemistry Olympiad sponsored by ORLEN Lietuva.

In summer the best senior students will represent Lithuania in the International Chemistry Olympiad where the junior chemists are among the prize winners for already eight years in succession.

In 2011 it was 49th Chemistry Olympiad of Lithuanian students attracting even larger number of the students interested in chemistry. “The main purpose of the Olympiad is to educate capable, responsible and creative community of students. This is the most important event for the junior chemists of Lithuania which allows distinguishing the very best ones”, - says Indrė Grigaitytė, the organizing specialist of the Olympiad Department of Lithuanian Secondary School Students’ Briefing and Technical Creation Centre.

The junior Lithuanian chemists and physicists are sponsored by petroleum refinery ORLEN Lietuva for the second year in sequence. The Mažeikiai enterprise gives an opportunity for the Olympiad winners to choose the best and most recognized scientific literature and supports the students while preparing for the International Chemistry and Physics Olympiad.

“We are glad to contribute to the Secondary School Students’ Chemistry Olympiad this year too. We believe that the participants of it will become the future creators of Lithuania”,- says Aurelija Trakšelienė, the Director of Public Relations of ORLEN Lietuva.

This year ORLEN Lietuva will also fund the travel for three Lithuanian students to the Natural Science Olympiad organized in the SAR in December the participants of which will compete with the world best students up to 16 years old.

"The sponsorship of ORLEN Lietuva is a significant contribution towards motivation of the students to devote part of their leisure time to natural sciences", - says I.Grigaitytė. She stated that the Lithuanian junior chemists come back from Chemistry Olympiad as the prize winners for already eight years in succession. 

Last year the Lithuanian students won the gold medals. In July this year four students from Lithuania will participate in the International Chemistry Olympiad in Ankara, Turkey.

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