ORLEN Lietuva and the National Commission for UNESCO have signed an agreement for cooperation in developing the program for the International Year of Chemistry Program in Lithuania. This world-wide initiative is aimed at showing how important chemical science is, encouraging young people’s interest in chemistry and the opportunities provided by the latter in creating sustainable future.
The General Assembly of the United Nations has adopted a resolution proclaiming the year 2011 as the International Year of Chemistry. The refiner ORLEN Lietuva is to contribute to the initiative with a program propagating chemical science and encouraging involvement in such; the program is patronized by the Lithuanian National Commission for UNESCO. One of the key focuses of the program is larger attention to the young scientists’ works, universities and student-developed ideas.
“The Lithuanian National Commission for UNESCO welcomes ORLEN Lietuva’s initiatives which are undoubtedly aimed at pursuing the targets set by UNESCO for the international year – to reveal the diversity of chemistry-covered aspects, the history and significance of the science, as well as to evaluate the future, the social and economic impact of chemistry,” said Gintarė Tamašauskaitė, Secretary-General of the Lithuanian National Commission for UNESCO.
Ireneusz Fąfara, General Director of ORLEN Lietuva, remarked that humanity’s understanding of the surrounding environment is first of all based on chemical knowledge. “It is not without reason that chemistry is called one of the most important sciences because these are molecular conversions that constitute basic processes for the entire nature.”
ORLEN Lietuva also intends on holding ‘Live Chemistry’ days in the largest cities of Lithuania. During these, people will be presented with diverse and attractive illustrations of chemical phenomena in daily life – the chemistry in our bodies, food, beverages, cosmetics, household, industry, energy sector, art and science.
For more information on the International Year of Chemistry, please refer to www.chemistry2011.org.